Thursday 8 September 2011

Groups Update

- All updates post regards had been moved to pages, comments are available
- Saied Tartar had dropped the subject

Friday 2 September 2011

Updates on Progress

All updates from members have been moved to the Pages above.
Kindly visit the pages for the updates =)

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Ng Jun Jie - Culture

Description on the individual ideation of the link

The idea of the site is designed to present the cultural of Baba Nyonya Baba- wedding process. . The links to help the viewer to describe how is the process of Baba & Nyonya wedding n showing some video so that the viewer can more clearly know how is the Baba & Nyonya wedding

Objective of the link

The objective of this link is to let people know the culture of Baba & Nyonya, what the process is and what they need to prepare when wedding. To get viewers to get to more interest with the process of wedding of Baba & Nyonya so that culture can be share among each other. The links that I create are easy located and can access to the information easily.

Design of GUI

Before you click for further information, there will be a slide show embed in the website to show some picture in the website to gain some extra idea how is the process of Baba & Nyonya wedding. 

There will be a banner for the site and below are the links for the particular sub topic
on the left hand side, there is a side bar, where it can link it to home, and all the various subtopics. 
Below the banner are the link that can link the viewer to know about process of  Baba & Nyonya wedding.

Flow Chart of individual site

The main one will be c and then comes down to two links which is ‘Process’,’Video’. Below all of the sub links, there will be too more links for each of the sub links which is ‘gallery’ and ‘links’.

  Photoshop will be used to edit and create the banner for the site and some pictures that will place in the website. Dreamweaver will be used to create the website.

2nd post
Before I start with the website, I have to look back what I have design before for the GUI of the website. I use Adobe Photoshop to design and edit the thing. Below are the thing that after I edit

This is the main page banner of my website

3rd post

I start off doing the website by following the GUI that I had designed earlier on. I place the tables just like the way I did in the GUI. After that I placed all the banners and pictures inside as well as the background. 
This is the initial design of my website
This is how the main page of my website looks like after placing in all the things. 

I glad I can totally follow the original design of jht GUI of wedsite.

4th post
In my main page got 2 links that is process and video. Process mean the process of Baba & nyonya after click the process links. The page are at below 

In this page all are about how is the Baba & Nyonya wedding

5th post
The final links, video links. Beside that to article to let people know the process of Baba & Nyonya wedding in this page I am adding in a video to let the people who reading this blog are more clearly know how is the process of Baba & Nyonya wedding.

This is how the video link page looks like.

After making sure that all the links work correctly then finally done my part in my project. I enjoy the process and feel happy because of learning some new thing.